Child protection and also explicitly protection against sexual violence has top priority in the Omed facilities and organization. This is an essential component of our core values.
Our code of conduct in this regard is an important prevention tool and offers our employees guidance on how to deal with girls and boys in a way that sets and respects boundaries. We strictly qualify all full-time and voluntary employees in our projects to comply with the code of conduct. Wherever we work with children and young people, the level of knowledge about sexual violence is built in and kept up to date with regular training. Only with sufficient understanding and insights, it is possible to embed the importance of this topic, to develop sensitivity and to be able to act appropriately in an eventuality without assumptions and suspicions.
Omed e.V. will strengthen the position of girls and reduce the power gap between adults and minors. The organizations and institutions we support promote access to children’s rights and make children and young people think critically and stand up for their rights.
In the institutions and organizations funded by Omed, we insist on complaints structures that children can use safely without fear or threat. Complaint structures are a sign that we are aware that children and young people can be confronted with all kinds of problems that need adult help to solve. It doesn’t matter if the cause of the problem is inside or outside the facility.
Our protection concept includes further training for all specialists, a facility-specific action or emergency plan as well as prevention measures for children.
Our institutionalized protection concept for prevention and intervention is an outcome of deep analysis, tracking structural changes, agreements and communication as well as the intrinsic attitude and culture of our organization Omed e.V.